Every farmer and landowner should be very afraid of the Iowa Utilities Board. On March 9, 2022, Governor Kim Reynolds gave a speech in which she said, “As long as I am governor, Iowa is going to be a state where you can live your life freely, where you don’t have to wake up in the morning and worry about…
Read MoreYear: 2022
Walking tacos for Sunday lunch
Members of First United Methodist Church in Jefferson will serve walking tacos with either chicken or beef Sunday, July 10, from 11 am to 12:15 pm at the church, 307 S. Wilson Ave. There will also be Mexican rice, refried beans, cake, ice cream and root beer floats. The meal will be for dine in, or carry-outs are available by…
Read MoreVFW serving loose meat sandwiches Thursday
Members of VFW Post 9599 and the VFW auxiliary are hosting supper Thursday, July 7, from 5 to 6 pm at the hall at 109 N. Chestnut St in Jefferson. The menu will feature loose meat burgers served with baked beans, potato salad and dessert. A free will donation will be accepted. The meal will be dine-in, carry out, or…
Read MoreGreene County Family Med, public health offer Back to School clinics
Back to school season is right around the corner and this year, Greene County Medical Center is offering a variety of Back to School services and clinics to encourage parents and guardians to get their students’ Back to School appointments completed early. Greene County Family Medicine Clinic will provide free sports physicals Wednesday, July 27 from 7 to 9 am;…
Read MoreYard of the Month honors to Renee, Gary Carhill
For Renee Carhill, gardening is her creative and soothing outlet. Some people quilt, she gardens. The Jefferson Garden Club’s Yard of the Month for July is the home of Gary and Renee Carhill on S. West St. Carhill has created a welcoming corner garden of successively blooming perennials anchored by a wagon wheel backing a variegated euonymus. Salvia, lamb’s ears and…
Read MoreRecorder McDonald shares info about new OHV regs
Governor Reynolds signed House File 2130 into law June 13. This law, which went into effect July 1, allows for off highway vehicles (OHVs) to be operated on Iowa roads. Greene County recorder Deb McDonald shared important information about HF 2130. –The OHV must be registered with the DNR and display current registration. –The operator must be at least 18 years…
Read MoreGreene County district court, week ending July 1
In Greene County district court Robert Craig Montgomery, 67, of Grand Junction was granted a deferred judgment June 30 after he changed his plea to guilty to conspiracy to commit non-forcible felony. He was placed on probation to Boone/Greene County Probation for two years. He must pay a $1,025 civil penalty and $100 court costs. (Sentencing: Honorable Joseph B. McCarville)…
Read MoreGreene County magistrate court, week ending July 1
In Greene County magistrate court Marne Irlbeck of Coon Rapids was sentenced June 29 to two days in jail with credit for time served on a charge of theft- fifth degree. She was fined $105 with a $15.75 surcharge. She must pay $8 restitution to Dollar General and $121.07 court costs. Cases were initiated in magistrate court as follows: Joann…
Read MoreSupes updated on secondary roads, ATV laws, wind turbines and more at brief meeting
~by Janice Harbaugh for GreeneCountyNewsOnline During a brief meeting of the Greene County supervisors June 27, engineer Wade Weiss reported the successful sale at good prices of secondary roads equipment through the Purple Wave auction site online. Weiss told the board he hopes to pay gravel crushing and new truck bills from the current year budget ending on June 30.…
Read MorePolice blotter – June 2022
Following are excerpts of activities reported by the Jefferson police department: Thursday, June 30: At 10:55 am an officer investigated an accident in the 1400 block of N. Elm St. Joshua Orr of Lehigh was northbound in the outside lane driving a 2006 International Semi and trailer, owned by Ft. Dodge Distributing. He signaled to make a right turn into…
Read MoreSheriff’s report – June 2022
Following are excerpts of activities reported by the Greene County sheriff’s office: Thursday, June 30: At 10:55 am a deputy assisted the Jefferson PD with a two-vehicle accident in the 1400 block of N. Elm St. At 11:35 am a deputy assisted the Boone County sheriff’s office with unlocking a car with a child in it in 100 block of…
Read MoreJeff council hears of buildings, under way and proposed
Despite having to take down the frame of the metal building and basically start over, the new Greene County animal shelter may still be finished by the end of September. City of Jefferson building officer Chad Stevens reported at the June 28 city council meeting that although engineers are still working on a plan to address problems with the soil…
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