Supes updated on secondary roads, ATV laws, wind turbines and more at brief meeting

~by Janice Harbaugh for GreeneCountyNewsOnline

During a brief meeting of the Greene County supervisors June 27,  engineer Wade Weiss reported the successful sale at good prices of secondary roads equipment through the Purple Wave auction site online.

Weiss told the board he hopes to pay gravel crushing and new truck bills from the current year budget ending on June 30.

Supervisor Pete Bardole said to Weiss, “Highway 144 North is a mess.”

Recorder Deb McDonald reported the ATV bill passed in the Iowa legislature. No information about the content of the bill was presented.

“There are lots of questions for the DNR,” McDonald said.

McDonald said she and county attorney Thomas Laehn will be working on ordinances.

McDonald also gave the board a copy of the Electronic Services System annual Report. She said the county’s 28E agreement with ESS requires an annual report from ESS.

Real estate coordinator Pam Olerich presented the board with new business property tax credits and the board unanimously approved the tax credits as presented.

Olerich also told the board some of the wind turbines have been re-numbered for identification.

Turbine 18, located in Section 35 of Paton Township northeast of Dana, was damaged beyond repair in the Dec. 15 derecho, Olerich later told GreeneCountyNewsOnline. Mid-American Energy decided not to replace it and has already removed the disabled turbine.

The renumbering was to assure there is not a gap in the numbering system.

Olerich said the elimination of the turbine will affect the county’s TIF revenue “to a small degree.” She hasn’t yet done the calculations.

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