Partnerships 4 Families partnering in 5-2-1-0 Healthy Choices Count! initiative

Partnerships 4 Families is partnering with Iowa Department of Public Health and other early childhood providers in Greene, Audubon, Carroll, and Guthrie Counties to promote the 5-2-1-0 Healthy Choices Count! initiative to families with young children in the four county area. 

5-2-1-0 Healthy Choices Count! is part of the Healthiest State initiative and has resources for Early Care & Education to promote 5 fruits and vegetables a day, 2 hours or less of screen time, 1 or more hours of activity a day and 0 sugary drinks.  Communities, businesses, schools and individuals across Iowa have promoted the 5-2-1-0 Healthy Choices Count!  It is also a nationally recognized and evidence-based prevention framework to promote healthy habits.

Partnerships 4 Families the Early Childhood Iowa (ECI) area for Greene Audubon, Carroll, and Guthrie Counties worked with Iowa Department of Public Health and many local early childhood programs to fill a 5-2-1-0 bag with information and items for parents to increase the physical activity and healthy eating of their young children. Local early childhood providers also included information about their services and other initiatives focused on young children. 

Bags were recently delivered to early childhood programs, child care centers and registered child care providers in the four county ECI area for direct distribution to children two-three years of age.  Bags are also available at local libraries where families with children ages two or three can stop by and pick up a bag. Families must live in one of the four counties served by Partnerships 4 Families.

A live drawing will take place on the Partnerships 4 Families Facebook page on March 31 at 5 pm for 10 baskets filled with more fun activities and a $20 gift certificate to a local grocery store for the purchase of fruits and vegetables.  Information is provided in the 5-2-1-0 Healthy Choices Count! bags for information on how to sign up.

Partnerships 4 Families encourages healthy behaviors and wants “All Children beginning at Birth to be Healthy and Successful.” Find out more about Partnerships 4 Families at and Early Childhood Iowa at

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