4-H news

The monthly meeting on the Hardin Happy Hustlers was held Nov. 12 in Clover Hall at the Greene County fairgrounds, with the annual family potluck. Twenty members and their guests were present.

Old business included signing “Thank you” notes for Rueter’s Red Power, GCEH, Heartland Co-op, and Hawn Family Farms for their sponsorship of Greene County 4-H members. A recap of the 4-H Awards Day was also given. Hardin Happy Hustlers Club members were recognized for their achievements at Awards Day. They included:

• Grace Curtis, Trey Schilling and Caden Telleen for Junior record keeping, participation and project awards.

• Hannah Curtis and Dalton Ostrander for Intermediate record keeping and participation awards.

• Jared Marshall for Senior record keeping, Stellar Senior Award, participation and project awards as well as major life skills awards.

Current and past leaders Kathy Bravard, Kathy Marshall and Melisse Schilling were given the Award of the Clover for five years of service.

New members are (front, from left) Bryce Timmons, Adam Bills, Nathan Towers, Lucy VanderLinden and Laura McCarville. Officers are (back, from left) Hannah Curtis, Ben Bravard, Jared Marshall, Sadie Reedy, Izzy Bravard and Shailynne Woodley.

Hardin Happy Hustlers also received the National 4-H Week window decorating contest award.

The installation of officers ceremony was conducted and the following were installed as officers for the 2017-2018 year: president Jared Marshall; vice president Ben Bravard, secretary Hannah Curtis, treasurer Sadie Reedy, and activity coordinators Izzy Bravard and Shailynne Woodley.

New members were also inducted into the club. They are Adam Bills, Laura McCarville, Eli Schroeder, Maya Telleen, Bryce Timmons, Nathan Towers and Lucy VanderLinden.

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