Letter to the editor – Amy Milligan

To the Editor:

I’ve lived in Greene County most of my life and have been paying close attention to the comments and thoughts of my fellow community members regarding the upcoming school bond vote. It would be easy for me to vote No and say that the bond doesn’t affect me because I don’t have children. I could say it will increase our taxes too much because my husband and I own both agriculture and residential property. However, I’ve decided to vote “Yes” and Pay It Forward for a lot of other reasons.

I’ve decided to vote “Yes” because new school buildings will make a positive impact on our economy. In my job I talk to a lot of people who are thinking of moving to town. Among the things they tell me they look for are well rounded educational opportunities for kids, which include great classroom facilities as well as extra-curricular facilities for sports, music, drama and art. The plan for consolidating and updating the school buildings will be in the plus column as people choose if this is the right place to move to.

I’ve decided to vote “Yes” because I’ve learned by being involved with the Greene County Chamber of Commerce, Midwest Partnership and currently Jefferson Matters: Main Street that our schools affect economic development. I am excited to watch momentum for growth in Greene County. In the past couple of years we’ve seen the opening of a second grocery store, a second health care clinic, a casino, a large expansion to the community hospital and improvements in downtown development. In the next year, you’ll see even more updates to many of the downtown buildings as the work of the Community Development Block Grant begins. I believe it’s time to bring our educational facilities into our current culture of growth.

I’ve heard some community members say, “Don’t get me wrong, I’m for helping our kids; now is just not the right time for the bond.” I encourage you to talk with current and retired teachers, students and support staff about how the condition of our facilities has impacted their ability to teach, work and learn as you make your own decision. To those who believe now is not the right time; I ask you, “If not now, when?”

Amy Milligan, Jefferson

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