Council okays preliminary plat for Wild Rose Jefferson

WR Casino stacked logo2The Jefferson city council at its Nov. 11 meeting approved the preliminary plat for Wild Rose Jefferson.

Don Marner of Snyder & Associates presented the plan to the council. He explained that the total development is 40 acres. Two outlots are designated for storm water control. Their location has been changed since the first tentative site plans were released last March. That plan placed the storm water holding ponds close to either highway. The preliminary plat puts them closer to the building, freeing up space closer to the road.

The plat also has  outlots on the northeast corner of the parcel and on the southwest corner “to allow for separate developments to occur, whether it be a convenience store, a restaurant, or something like that,” he said.

A spokesperson for Wild Rose Entertainment told GreeneCountyNewsOnline on Tuesday that those outlots have not yet been marketed, pending approval of the plat.

Whatever the businesses, they will not have driveways directly onto a highway. The development will have large driveways from Highway 4 and from Highway 30, with the other business driveways coming off those driveways.

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