More results from the State Fair

Blue ribbonReports of successes at the Iowa State Fair will continue for the next week or two. With hundreds of competitions, it takes the State Fair team a while to get results to media outlets.

Marianna Carlson of Jefferson won eight ribbons in four foods contests during the second week of the fair, including four in the Machine Shed pie contest judged Aug. 11. She placed first with her rhubarb pie, second with her lattice top cherry pie, and third with her blueberry pie and her peach pie. The contest was judged based on the quality of the crust, the filling, the general appearance and originality.

She won the red ribbon (second place)and $75 cash in Coach’s Favorite Rhubarb contest judged Aug. 14. Judging criteria were taste, appearance and creativity. She also placed second and won $75 in the Butter Kernel Corn Creation contest on Thursday. That contest was judged based on taste, appearance and originality.

Carlson’s deviled eggs took second place in that category in the Egg-Ceptional Eggs contest last Friday. Entries were judged based on flavor, appearance and ease of preparation.

Peg Gannon of Jefferson showed sheep in the Columbia sheep show Aug. 8. Her sheep placed as follows: March and after ram lamb, sixth; yearling ewe, 9th and 11th; pair of yearling ewes, fourth; March and after ewe lamb, third and eighth; pair of ewe lambs, seventh; pair of lambs, fifth; young flock, fifth, and flock, fifth.

Dawn Rudolph of Scranton showed cattle in the Dexter show Aug. 14 and placed first in the junior heifer calf 3/01/14 and after. The calf was judged the champion heifer calf. She also showed the fourth and fifth place cows in the mature cows, before 8/01/11 class.

Muir Farms of Rippey showed cattle in the beef feeder calf show Aug. 9. Muir Farms cattle placed third in shorthorn heifers and fourth in market heifers and AOB steers.

Robby and Angie Pedersen of Jefferson took time off from their RVP~1875 working display in the Farm Bureau Pioneer Hall to participate in Rural America Olde Tyme competitions. Robby placed first in the “most historic” category of the beard growing contest judged Aug. 12. Angie placed second in the ladies nail driving contest Aug. 16.

Abby Bravard of rural Jefferson showed cattle in the 4-H beef show Aug. 13. She showed the reserve champion Maine Anjou and the reserve champion Simmental.

Young Adam Bills of rural Scranton competed in the mini rodeo at the Pioneer livestock pavilion Friday and placed first in his round in the 6-8-year-old bracket.


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