Plans for after prom party underway

Parents of Greene County High School juniors have already spent months planning a fun, safe place for students gather after the junior-senior prom April 12.

The students selected “Under the Sea” as the prom theme. The parents are taking the students back to the surface with a cruise ship party theme. Parent organizers have contacted organizations and businesses for donations of prizes and cash for the party. Monetary donations are used to pay for entertainment, food, and more prizes.

Parents of high school juniors and seniors are all asked to contribute $25 to the effort; checks payable to “After Prom Party” should be sent to junior class sponsor Teresa Green at the high school as soon as possible.

“We’re excited about all the prom activities and after prom, especially,” said junior class president Dan Neal. “We appreciate all the work that goes into it, and all the donations that make the party possible.”

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