Office suite to be named for Judge Harris

David HarrisThe Greene County board of supervisors on Monday by consensus gave the okay to the Greene County Bar Association to rename the northwest office suite on the third floor of the courthouse after Iowa Supreme Court Justice David Harris. It is the office suite occupied by Judge Harris and his clerk while he served on the Supreme Court.

Harris practiced law in Jefferson from 1951 to 1962,including time as Greene County attorney from 1959 to 1962. He was appointed as a district court judge in 1962, and then appointed to the Iowa Supreme Court in 1972 by Gov Robert D. Ray.

He continued to live in Jefferson and to work from an office in the Greene County courthouse except for days the Supreme Court was in session. He authored more than 800 majority opinions and more than 100 dissents in the 27 years he served. He received the Award of Merit from the Iowa Judges Association in 1992. He retired from fulltime service and took senior status in 1999. He died at 2010 at the age of 82.

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