Long named Outstanding Soil & Water Conservation District commissioner

Fred Long

The Conservation Districts of Iowa held their annual conference this week on Aug. 28-29 in Ames.  At the conference during an awards presentation Greene County’s own commissioner, Fred Long, was honored with the Outstanding Soil and Water Conservation District Commissioner of the Year.

Long has been a Greene County Soil and Water Conservation District (SWCD) commissioner for eight years and is currently serving as the district treasurer and chairperson. Since becoming a commissioner, Long has taken on multiple leadership roles and responsibilities at both the local and state level. Long attends all SWCD and CDI (Conservation Districts of Iowa) meetings and has become a trusted source of unbiased and reliable information for both the North Raccoon River and Beaver Creek Watersheds.

Long has volunteered countless hours towards the promotion of local programs aimed at educating constituents about water quality concerns, sustainable farming practices and improving soil health throughout the county. He is very passionate about conservation and serves as president of the Iowa Conservation Alliance.He is also the SWCD’s liaison and active member of Pheasants Forever, Ducks Unlimited, and the National Wild Turkey Federation, of which he is currently serving on the state board.

The Greene SWCD is very proud of all the things Long has done for conservation, wildlife, and not only his community but the state.

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