Whose best interest?

Once again, Senator Jesse Green is trying to use scare tactics and his own misguided opinion to influence constituents. In an opinion piece, Senator Green claimed that parents, teachers, and doctors are encouraging children to “mutilate” themselves and intentionally harming them. This is not only offensive to parents and professionals, but it’s dangerous.

 First, let’s look at the facts. “Senate File 538 prohibits Iowa doctors from prescribing puberty blockers, cross-sex surgeries or gender-affirming surgeries to transgender people under 18 even though the American Medical Association, American Psychological Association, and the American Academy of Pediatrics all recommend that transgender youth should receive medical care that helps them live with the gender they identify with.”  According to the Des Moines Register, Iowa surgeons don’t perform genital surgery on transgender minors, and they remove breast tissue only in rare cases. Thus, the implications by Senator Green are false and misleading.

The professionals who have thoroughly evaluated the youth and have the full support of the child’s parents provide treatment that best suits the child’s medical needs.  This new law forbids doctors from following their Hippocratic Oath and threatens punishment and loss of license if they treat their patients. “No health care provider should have to choose between following the best medical practices or facing legal consequences.” Cathryn Oakley Human Rights Campaign state legislative director.

There is a shortage in Iowa of professionals who deal with gender care and other growth and glandular issues. The current laws passed will only make it more difficult to recruit physicians and get the necessary medical care our children deserve. The professionals in other states that have passed similar legislation, now are being targeted by radical groups who believe the false narrative being spread by those who have no education or training in what is best for children.

As a former educator, I am offended by the suggestion that teachers want to intentionally harm children. It is just the opposite…teachers want children to have  good self-esteem and not be subjected to being treated unkindly because they may be different from others. Teachers would encourage children to seek knowledge and guide them to be kind to others, which includes reading books or seeing movies that model that kind of behavior.

Recruiting quality teachers will also be more difficult in Iowa due to the recent legislation passed that takes decision-making from trained professionals and gives it to lawmakers. Apparently, parental choice on matters is only for issues that the lawmakers support. It seems the fear of those passing these laws is not about what is best for the children, but of their own beliefs in not accepting those whose believe differently.

Diversity makes communities better by bringing together different perspectives that can produce harmony and creative thinking. My hope for the future is that Iowa voters will embrace acceptance toward others and support candidates who promote it. Iowa’s future depends on it.

~Sue Richardson, Jefferson

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