GrCo PreK registration is April 3

Info about Head Start also provided

Registration for the Greene County Schools pre-kindergarten program will be held Monday, April 3, from 5 to 7 pm at the elementary school at 401 E. Russell St in Jefferson.

Children who will be 4 years old on or before Sept. 15, 2023, are eligible for the state-funded 4-year-old pre-K. Children in the program attend a full day of school Tuesday through Friday from 8:10 am to 3:20 pm at the elementary school. Breakfast, lunch and a snack are provided. Parents can drop off and pick up their children, or regular busing is available.

Children who will be 3 years old on or before Sept. 15, 2023, are eligible for the tuition-based 3-year-old Pre-K. Children attend a half day, either 8:15 to 11:15 am or 12:15 to 3:15 pm. Tuition assistance may be available. Classes will meet at a site to be determined. No bussing is available.

Parents who want more information can call the school at 515-386-3178 or email principal Audrey Hinote at

The Head Start program in Greene County is similar for families who qualify through Head Start, except no tuition is charged for either the 3-year-old or 4-year-old program.

Four-year-olds attend Tuesday through Friday from 8:15 to 3:30 at the elementary school. Breakfast, lunch and a snack will be provided, as well as transportation. Three-year-olds will attend a half-day, either 8:15 to 11:45 am, or 11:45 to 3:15 pm, at a site to be determined. The morning group will be served breakfast and lunch; the afternoon group will be served lunch and a snack. Transportation will not be provided for 3-year-olds.

Parents who want more information about Head Start can contacty Diane Allen at 712-830-6990, or

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