Nancy Hanaman re: America’s Sheriffs’ letter

Dear Editor,

 I read with interest and disappointment in GreeneCountyNewsOnline that sheriff Jack Williams signed a letter with 275 sheriffs from around the country which claims to “Help America’s Sheriffs Keep our Neighborhoods Safe. . .by Halting Illegal Immigration.”

This letter claims that recent illegal immigration has been the cause of criminal activities, drug trafficking and other issues. This letter seems to miss the reason most of the people from Central American are seeking entry to the United States – violence directed at families and children with continuing threats of violence in their daily lives.

Instead of blaming these people for seeking a better life. I would hope that Sheriff Williams and others who signed this letter would talk with some of these mother and fathers and children who are forced to leave their homelands when they would rather stay.

Williams indicates that there are many outstanding warrants connected with those who are undocumented in Greene County. It would be helpful to know how many there are and how many of these individuals live in Greene County. He also indicates that 98 percent of illegal drugs come from Mexico and seems to indicate that illegal immigrants are responsible for this. Much of the illegal drug traffic comes through airports via legal residents from the United States.

 I understand that Sheriff Williams states that he is not against immigration but by signing this letter, he does not seem to welcome those who enter our country because of violent and corrupt situations in their home countries. I would hope that if the opportunity arrives that Greene County will welcome immigrants who come to our communities.

  Nancy Hanaman, Rippey


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