Lamb banquet postponed to 2022

Lamb Producers ask that donations be mailed

The Greene County Lamb Producers will not hold a banquet this year, but instead ask for support for the community lamb barn project through mailed-in donations.

“This has been a trying year for all of us to keep things as normal as possible. We have had some deep discussions about what to do about holding a banquet this year due to COVID restrictions. We have decided to postpone the 2021 Greene County Lamb Banquet until 2022,” a press release stated.

“The community lamb barn project we started in 2012 has become very successful, probably beyond any of our wildest dreams. Over 50 kids have participated in the project over the past nine years, some multiple years. They have learned about responsibility, animal husbandry, finance, team work and citizenship. Many of these kids would never have had the opportunity to participate in a possibly life changing project like this.

“Agriculture needs these future ambassadors that understand animal agriculture and the safety of our food supply. Quite a few of the 4-Hers have needed financial assistance and a place to keep their lambs. Like most things in agriculture, it takes a big capital investment to keep this project viable from year to year.  Your participation in the past has kept this project going. We would appreciate your consideration again this year.

“This year we are asking for your financial support to sponsor the kids who participate in the community barn project. Any donation amount will be appreciated. We are a non-profit organization so donations are tax deductible.”

All sponsors will be recognized at the 2021 Greene County Fair.

Donations can be sent to Lamb Producer treasurer  Bill Taggart, 1731 G Ave, Scranton, IA 51462.

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