Letter to the editor – Phyllis Crowder re: Jeff council appointment

To the editor,

As we all know, Matt Gordon will soon assume his duties as our new mayor leaving his council seat to be filled. May I suggest Sean Sebourn to be appointed to this vacancy.

In Sean’s first bid for public office this past general election he made a respectable showing while sharing the ballot with two well known incumbents.

Prior to the election Sean reached out to the cities residents with his ideas and views by participating in a public forum and the old fashioned way, going door to door introducing himself and listening to residents concerns.

Appointing Sean to fill the council vacancy could be a win win for the city. He would bring a fresh voice and perspective and the appointment would eliminate the need and expense for a special election.

Sean and his wife have a home-based business, he has been active as a volunteer, served on city committees, graduated from Jefferson-Scranton High School and is raising his family in the community. Sean has earned this appointment.

Phyllis Crowder, Jefferson

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