DAISY Award to Theresa Davis

DAISY Award recipient Theresa Davis (left) and chief nursing executive Katie Heldt.

Theresa Davis, acute RN, was named Greene County Medical Center’s 12th DAISY Award honoree at a ceremony Tuesday, Nov. 5. There were 12 nurses recognized at the event.

Davis has been an acute nurse at the medical center since 2017. Her nomination came from a visiting care provider who noted that when her patient desired to have end of life at the medical center, “Theresa went above and beyond providing extra care, comfort and support to the patient and her large family. The patient’s family stated to me how comforted they felt having Theresa as their nurse. Theresa is patient with her patients and is a great nurse to collaborate with between disciplines.”

Other nominees recognized at the Nov. 5 event were long term care nurse Carol Love; acute nurses Allie Hamilton, Brenda Seaman, Terry Rottinghaus, Gina Geisler, Jess Steinberg and Kelsey Savits; surgery nurse Brenda Groves; and clinics nurses Tammy Kiner, Heather Kinsey and Kim Dentlinger. All nominations were filled with gratitude for the compassionate care these nurses provide.

Greene County Medical Center’s fall 2019 DAISY Award nominees were (from left) Jess Steinberg, Kim Dentlinger, Allie Hamilton, Brenda Groves, Theresa Davis, Heather Kinsey, Gina Geisler, Kelsey Savits, Brenda Seaman and Carol Love. Not picgtured are Tammy Kiner and Terry Rottinghaus.

Greene County Medical Center has recognized nurses with the internationally-known DAISY Award since 2014, and holds ceremonies twice a year.

Nominations for the DAISY Award can be made throughout the year. Nomination forms and submission boxes are located throughout the medical center or available electronically via the medical center’s website, gcmchealth.com. Nominations can be made by patients, their family members, caretakers, community members and co-workers.

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