Open house slated for Terry Johnson’s retirement

Terry Johnson

The board of directors of Genesis Development would like to invite the public to a reception honoring Terry Johnson, CEO, on his retirement from 40 years of service at Genesis Development. People are invited come to the Genesis Development main office at 401 West McKinley on Wednesday, July 31, from 4-7 pm.

Johnson has taken Genesis Development from a small operation in a single county (Greene) to a dynamic leader in the state with 15 offices serving at least 17 counties across Iowa. In the last year, Genesis Development has served nearly 5,000 people in a variety of services.

This growth has come from the mission that Johnson has lived every day: “To provide opportunities, choices and supports for people with disabilities” and that everyone who shows up on the doorstep in need of services gets those services.

Not only has Johnson steered Genesis into becoming the well-known company that it is today, but he helped to shape the structure for mental health services in Iowa. When Home and Community Based Services (HCBS) became a part of the Iowa Department of Human Services, Johnson was on the task force that helped to create the regulations that would guide Iowa providers through this program. He also spent many years as a CARF surveyor. CARF is an accrediting organization for community based service companies. Terry was asked for input on many state led legislations and development of services for people with disabilities.

In a letter to members, parents, guardians and stakeholders, board president Timothy Heisterkamp said, “Genesis Development has been blessed with Terry’s leadership. Our board is truly excited for him as he enters a new chapter in life and we will continue to remember his legacy in the staff he trained and the company he built.”

Terry Johnson wrote, “I have been honored that you have allowed Genesis to be involved with your loved one. Certainly we have tried to do our best with our services. I am also honored to be a part of this organization. I want to thank you for your confidence in our services. I look forward to the future for Genesis and believe that it is a bright future which speaks well for the people we serve.”

Terry Johnson has, not only, provided a clear vision and direction for Genesis Development, he has also been its heart and soul. A strong leader and a fervent advocate for the people he served.

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