Letter to the editor – Dick Finch

Letter to the editor,

Congratulations to the Greene County attorney and sheriff’s offices for a new approach to help low level criminals help themselves back into society to become useful and respected citizens and get their pride back.

I believe almost every business and farm operator in Greene County is looking for employees with little or no experience and willing to train people with desire to do a good job, and at the same time, be there to help them with getting their lives back together and getting their pride back and moving up to better employment.

This program will only work when these people have someone to help them conquer their addictions and problems. Relatives, neighbors, mentors and anyone who really cares and wants to be a good American.

I have had a tenant farmer for 25 years. He is one of Greene County’s best farmers. I took a chance on him because with the help of his dad’s hired man and his girlfriend, they got him off drugs and trained to farm. All he needed was a chance and a couple of people gave it to him.

It would be great if people would contact law enforcement and inquire about who could be suitable for employment and or training and mentoring and give some of these people a chance to work and prove their way back into society and get their pride back.

Dick Finch, Jefferson

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