Van Gilder to retire after nearly 45 years with county

Don Van Gilder, assistant to the county engineer, was honored at the Greene County supervisors’ Dec. 17 meeting on his retirement after 44 years and eight months of employment with the county. Van Gilder joked that he started working for the county when he was 10 years old.

The supervisors passed a resolution that noted Van Gilder’s “tireless effort in improving the transportation system through unparalleled attention to detail and the use of sound engineering principles and practices.” The resolution continued, “His commitment to community betterment throughout Greene County is equally commendable and highly respected.”

The entire resolution was engraved on a plaque presented to Van Gilder by board of supervisors chair John Muir.

Engineer Wade Weiss said he has enjoyed a “wonderful working relationship” with Van Gilder in the 25 years they’ve worked together. He also said Van Gilder’s participation in the community is unusual among his peers across the county.

Van Gilder may do some work on special projects on a part-time basis after the first of the year.
There will be a reception for Van Gilder Wednesday, Dec. 19, from 2 to 4 pm at the courthouse.

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