Candidate for state auditor
Former assistant attorney general Rob Sand, Democratic candidate for state auditor, will hold a meet and greet event in Jefferson on Thursday, Aug. 30. As a demonstration of Sand’s commitment to making the Iowa auditor work for all Iowans, he plans to visit all 99 Iowa counties before the general election. To date, Sand has visited more than 60 of Iowa’s 99 counties and will visit all 99 by the end of the campaign.
Sand will be at the Milwaukee Road Depot in Jefferson from 3 to 4 pm.
For the past decade, Sand has been the chief public corruption and financial crimes prosecutor in the Iowa attorney general’s office. Most recently, he led the nationwide lottery-fixing investigation that uncovered seven fixed lottery tickets across five states with total face values of nearly $25 million. He also led the prosecution to a resolution between six states and two defendants. All told, three criminals entered guilty pleas to six different counts and agreed to repay every dollar they stole. The lead defendant is now in prison for up to 25 years; the others served time or have a permanent felony conviction.
Rob Sand was born and raised in Decorah, where his first job was catching chickens. He enjoys fishing, hunting, and biking. He found a passion for public service in high school when he worked for two years to build a public skatepark. He is a graduate of Brown University and the University of Iowa law school. He and his wife, also a small-town Iowa native, have two young sons.