Genesis Development is hosting its second annual 5K run/walk Saturday, Sept. 22, starting at 9 am at the Webb House, 401 S. Wilson, in Jefferson.
“Overcoming Obstacles” is this year’s theme. “This theme reflects the extra obstacles that persons with mental and physical disabilities face as they strive to live and work as independently, as possible, in their communities,” a spokesperson said.
Area residents are invited to join the Genesis board and staff in raising awareness and funds to provide opportunities to build independent living skills through technology and life experiences that build abilities, self-confidence, and self-direction. “We do not stop when we meet an obstacle, we overcome it,” the spokesperson said. “While we take our mission very seriously, we know that fun brings people together in life- changing ways.”
The early registration deadline is Tuesday, Sept. 4. Registration fees increase $5 after that date. The registration fee for students in grades K-12 is discounted with sponsorship by Home State Bank. Children 5 and younger can participate at no charge.
Early registration can be done on-line at getmeregistered.com/genesisdevelopment, or click here for a registration form.
Genesis is also seeking sponsors for runners or the event. Click here for that information, or call 515-386-3017.