It is finally spring, and the Design Committee of Jefferson Matters: Main Street encourages downtown businesses to “Think OUTSIDE the Box” with decorations outside the front door.
A Business After Hours event will be held on Monday, April 30 at 5:15 pm at the Elks lodge in Jefferson. “An attractive entrance can entice customers to come and see what is inside. Even businesses of an office nature give off a welcoming impression with creative and attractive décor at the entrance. The look of our downtown gives a wonderful impression with color throughout the area,” said a Design Committee member.
Local florists Bonnie Silbaugh and Karen Lawton will present ideas with not only plants, but also with other cost-effective ideas and decorating tips. The two women are known for these talents, and the committee appreciates them sharing their ideas in this free presentation. Everyone interested is encouraged to attend.
Tim Heisterkamp of Journey Financial will be the sponsor for the social time starting at 5:15 pm with a free beverage for each person attending. The presentation will begin at 5:45 and last about 45 minutes.