Talk’s cheap

~a column by Colleen O’Brien There are many wry expressions about hypocrisy that could define public officials who addressed the shooting of 17 people in a Florida school a week ago. “If you’re going to talk the talk, you’d better walk the walk.” “Talk doesn’t cook rice.” “He liked to go from A to Be without inventing letters between.” My…

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Letter to the editor – Doug and Karen Lawton

To the editor, Doug and I would like to share our support for the upcoming school bond initiative, “Our Kids, Our Future…..Greene County”. The campaign slogan in itself has caused us to realize how strongly we personally believe in this project. Our own kids, who benefited from their education here, have now brought their own kids to Greene County to…

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Letter to the editor – Audrey Hinote

Dear residents of Greene County, My name is Audrey Hinote. I have called Greene County home for all of my 33 years. I grew up in Cooper next door my dad’s welding business, graduated from Jefferson-Scranton High School in 2003, and lived in Greene County while attending college in Carroll to pursue a degree in education. I teach second grade…

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The Behn Report

February 16, 2018 In the Legislature: This week is the first funnel for this legislative session, making our days busy and full. This deadline focuses us on the issues we’d like to accomplish this year. Any bills, except for tax, spending, and oversight bills, we would like to consider for the rest of the session need to be through the…

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