In the neighborhood

Please send your news item to Jean Borgeson Feb. 6, 2017 Rippey public library:  Librarian Shawneene Kenan; phone: 515.436.7714; website:; E-mail: HOURS: Monday 1-6 pm; Tuesday 2-6 pm; Wednesday 3-6 pm; Thursday 2-7 pm; Friday 3-6 pm.

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Cookies for a Cause

This year’s Valentine’s Day bake sale at Jefferson Telecom has been dubbed “Cookies for a Cause.” The bake sale will be held Tuesday, Feb. 14, from 8 am to 5:30 pm at the Jefferson Telecom showroom at 105 W. Harrison St. All proceeds will benefit the Greene County Relay for Life. This year’s Relay, “A Game Changer,” will be Saturday,…

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Why a Black History Month?

~a column by Colleen O’Brien It is February, Black History Month, sometimes now called African American Heritage Month. February was chosen because of two people whose birthdays happened to fall in February and who were instrumental in obtaining justice for African Americans: Frederick Douglass, 19th Century political activist, writer and vice-presidential candidate who worked for the abolition of the crime…

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