Greene Co students reverse trend on ACT scores

For the first time in three years, the average scores of Greene County students taking the ACT were above the state average in all four curriculum-based tests and in the composite score.

The report, released this week by American College Testing, compares the average scores of the 41 Greene County 2017 graduates who took the test to the state averages.

Following are Greene County average scores followed by state average scores: English, 21.7, 21.2; mathematics, 22.1, 21.3; reading, 22.9, 22.6; and science, 22.6, 22.1.
The average composite score for Greene County test-takers was 22.4, with the state average at 21.9.

The scores were lower than the state average in every category for the class of 2015 and the class of 2016.

In 2015 the state average composite score was 22.2 while Greene County students were at 21.5. In 2016 the state average was 22.1 and Greene County’s average was 21.4.

The report also compares individual student scores with benchmarks that show the likelihood of students obtaining a grade of “C” or better in college English composition, algebra, social science and biology. Those students are deemed to be “college ready.”

Greene County students again scored higher than the state average in every category. Following are the percentage of Greene County students who are college-ready, followed by the percentage of all Iowa students tested: college English composition, 76, 71; college algebra, 54, 45; and college social science, 59, 55; college biology, 49, 45. Thirty-four percent of Greene County students met the benchmarks in all four areas, compared to 31 percent statewide.

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