Olerich provides comparables for taxable valuations

Greene County at the bottom of the stack

Despite the very evident economic development in recent years in Greene County and a 4.01 percent growth in the net total taxable valuation as of Jan. 1, 2016, Greene County still has the lowest taxable valuation of its contiguous counties.

Pam Olerich, real estate and tax coordinator in the county auditor’s office, provided to the county supervisors comparable figures for counties contiguous to Greene.

It is no surprise that Dallas County has the highest taxable valuation at $5 billion. The increase there for the coming year is 9 percent.

Webster County has a taxable valuation of $1.57 billion with an increase of 4.26 percent. Carroll and Boone counties both have taxable valuations of $1.3 billion. Growth in Boone County was 4.72 percent and growth in Carroll County was 2.25 percent.

Guthrie County’s valuation exceeds Greene’s at $686 million and an increase of 3.59 percent. Total valuation in Calhoun County is $657 million with an increase of 3.16 percent.

Coming in with the least taxable valuation is Greene County at $647 million.

Olerich also provided total taxable valuations with TIF districts added into the total. In that set of data, Greene County edges out Calhoun County. Calhoun County has only $1.2 million in properties in TIF districts, giving it $657,969,000 in all valuations. Adding in the Jefferson TIF districts, total taxable valuation in Greene County would be $664,676,000.

Dallas County has $615 million in valuation in TIF districts. Total valuation there would be $5.6 billion without TIF districts.


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