Letter to the editor – Amy Roberts

Dear editor,

I value the education of my children at an extremely high level. I try my hardest to be in the loop with their learning and in their everyday experiences as a whole. I care deeply about the standard of education our county offers. These are the future leaders of this planet we are talking about – they are the most important things ever! We should want the best for them and the educators who teach them. Why would we want anything different?

I have a few different angles on why the yes vote is important to me. First and foremost is the reason I just stated above. I care about my children and the education they receive within our school district. Because of this, I want the best for them.

The second reason is from a logistics standpoint. Our school district has four different school buildings. I have four children. Guess what? I was so fortunate to have one in each of the buildings last year! Talk about a logistical nightmare! Not only was it challenging just taking them all to individual schools each day, but also with things like parent teacher conferences. It was nearly impossible to try fitting four conferences in at different buildings in the two day, limited time span. In fact, it was almost impossible. So much so that we did not even attempt it the second time conferences were held last year. If we didn’t, I guarantee there are many others who also didn’t.

Besides that, this year I will have an eighth grader that will need to go to the high school for math. So, a school transportation employee has to come and pick him and a couple of other students up to take them to class across town. Then, they need to be brought back to the middle school again for the rest of the classes. To me, just walking down a hallway to a different part of the building is a lot less nerve wrecking and a better use of time, for both students and school employees.

My third reason for voting yes is because I care about the growth and well-being of our community. I am on the Main Street board and have been for the last two years. Main Street, along with the city and county, has been working very hard to revitalize our county seat and to entice people to want to come here. We want to make this a great place and our standard of education is a big part of that!

I know I will be voting yes. I am willing to pay for our future. I hope you are, too.

Amy Roberts, Jefferson


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