Weather data, week ending July 1

Weather week ending July 1Also June weather summary

Temperatures were more seasonable by Friday, July 1, than they had been in nearly three weeks.

High temperature for the week was 93 degrees Saturday and Sunday, but on Friday the high temperature was 80 degrees. Friday’s low temperature of 50 degrees was the first night since June 8 that the low was cooler than 60 degrees.

Jefferson received .34 inch of rain, according to KCCI’s SchoolNet weather data program.

For the month, Jefferson received 1.33 inches of rain, well below the average June precipitation of 5.0 inches.

High temperature for the month was 97 degrees on June 10, 11 and 13. There were  18 days when the high temperature was 90 degrees or warmer. Average high temperature for the month was 90 degrees, compared to 81 degrees as the average high temperature for June.

Low temperature was 57 degrees on June 2. There were 14 nights that didn’t get cooler than 70 degrees. Average low temperature was 68 degrees, compared to 59 degrees as the normal average low temp.



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