Letter to the editor – Tina King

To the editor,

My treatment at the Greene County junior varsity football game Monday night, Oct. 5, held at the field in Grand Junction was beyond unprofessional.  There is simply no excuse for a school employee to swear at anyone, but an employee certainly swore at me.

I was attending my son’s football game with my mother and my grandmother. My mother is in a wheelchair. My grandmother uses a walker. There is simply no safe way to get either of them out of a vehicle parking on the street by the field. The handicapped parking is or was located inside the fence. Unsure what to do, I asked at the main gate. I was told to pay there and enter through the dummy-locked gate. Mind you, I was told this by someone who should know: the pay gate attendant. So that is what I did.

At which point, an employee flew up on an ATV and said he was “tired of this.” I explained to him, quite calmly, that I was doing what I had been told to do. The response I got was, “Whatever. I’m tired of this s—.” Another car with handicapped plates was behind us and was attempting to pull in as well. The school employee closed the gate and refused them entry. He also looked at me and said, “Look at what you started.”

For a school employee to swear at a member of the public, much less the parent of a student, is simply unacceptable. He then stormed away. He returned later, approximately 6 pm, AFTER I had been parked there, and not only removed the handicapped parking signage but took down my license plate number. For what reason I do not know, as the proper placard was properly displayed and until the sign was removed from above my vehicle, I was parked legally and had a handicapped occupant.

The only other handicapped parking is half a block from any wheelchair access. It was moved to the middle entrance gate which then has “curb” to get onto the track, which is not within the statute for handicap accessibility.

My mother and grandmother enjoy participating in the sporting events of their grandchildren. These events are open to the public and held on public grounds. To be denied handicapped accessible parking according to statute is ridiculous in this day and age. It’s discriminatory and simply poor public relations.

To have that AND to be so poorly, rudely, and unprofessionally treated by a school employee is more than offensive; it’s disgusting. And yes, it’s my mother so I’m angry, but I would be angry and disgusted if it had been a stranger as well. Such treatment is deplorable and should not be accepted by our community, especially when it comes from the school district itself through an employee.

I did speak with Dean Lansman, our activities director, who was very pleasant and thoughtful of the situation, apologizing for any problems we faced. He said he would address the issue with the superintendent.

Sincerely, Tina King, Grand Junction

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