Jefferson Matters hosting fall selfie challenge

Jefferson Matters: Main Street invites area residents and visitors to “Fall into Jefferson and ‘leaf’ happy” with a selfie challenge in celebration of fall.

To participate, visit any business in the Jefferson Main Street district that displays a large fall leaf starting Sept. 20. Take a “selfie” in the store.

Post it to Instagram at #jeffersonmatters or the Jefferson Matters Facebook page with the location of where the self picture was taken. Participants can take as many selfies in as many participating stores as they like.

The person in the photo that gets the most “likes” and “shares” between Sept. 21 and Oct. 21 will win $100 from Jefferson Matters: Main Street to spend in the Jefferson Main Street district.

No purchase is necessary to participate. “Watch for the leaves to appear and start taking those selfies,” a spokesperson said.

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