~by Patti Edwardson for the farmers market
The Greene County farmers market provides an array of locally-produced and locally-made items each Tuesday evening from 4 to 6:30 pm through the end of September on the courthouse square in Jefferson. Now that it is mid-summer, many fresh fruits and vegetables are being harvested, giving shoppers at the market a variety of choices. In addition, several local bakers bring their items to sell.

The Ram Restaurant, a certified kitchen within the Greene County High School, delivers breads, rolls, and pastries. Under the direction of family and consumer science teacher Donna Carhill, students learn the art of baking and the skills of marketing their products to the public.
David Dideriksen of Scranton is this summer’s chief bread baker for the Ram Restaurant. David will be a junior this fall and is already thinking about furthering his education at culinary school. David joins other bakers at the market, including Cherie Cain, Better For You Bakery, and John 15 Vineyard.
When the weather is too hot and humid, even experienced home bakers are eager to buy from these dedicated market bakers. At this week’s market on Tuesday, July 28, hungry shoppers can dine on Steve Karber’s lamb creations.
Greene County farmers market also has several vendors who are certified to accept WIC and Senior Farmers Market Nutrition Program coupons.