4-H news: Hardin Happy Hustlers

The Hardin Happy Hustlers 4H Club held their April meeting at the Greene County Extension office on April 11. The club discussed ordering Club T-shirts for members.

Members who plan to show livestock at the Greene County Fair were reminded to make sure their FSQA certification is current or attend an upcoming training or test out. Contact the Extension Office to let them know which session you plan to attend.

Upcoming dates were highlighted: Livestock IDs due online by May 15; the County Communications Contest on June 10.

A presentation was given by Eliot Schilling on, “How to Groom a Horse.”

Hardin Happy HustlersAfter the meeting the group picked up trash along their adopted section of Highway 4 and then had treats at Dairy Queen. Working together on the effort were (front, from left) Dalton Ostrander, Sadie Reedy, Eliot Schilling and Kaiden Burbank; and (back, from left) Nicholas Killion, Lauryn Killion, Izzy Bravard, Jared Marshall and Zachary Burbank.

There were eight members present at the May meeting. April minutes were read by Ben Bravard and Molly Hoskins gave the updated treasurer’s report.

Members were reminded of FSQA requirements and animal ID deadline May 15.

A vote was taken regarding the regular June meeting, as the leaders all had conflicts for the scheduled day. No meeting was rescheduled and it was decided that coming to the fair cleanup day on July 5, would count toward a monthly meeting.

Noelle Gray told about her participation through FFA in the World Food Prize that was recently held in Ames.

Presentations were given by Dalton Ostrander on “How to make a bird feeder”, Ben Bravard “Weed eating safety,” and Izzy Bravard on “Stretching and how to run hurdles.”

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