Resident thanks Jeff city employees for their efforts

Long time Jefferson resident and volunteer Carole Fisher told the city council Tuesday night that she thinks city employees do not get enough recognition and suggested that something special be done to recognize their efforts.

“For quite some time, I’ve been thinking about the city employees, and they’ve never, as far as I know, been shown in a special event that we who live here really appreciate what they do,” Fisher said. “Maybe we could start thinking about what could be done.”

“When I see them out there on a cold morning picking up our trash, that has to be cold. I know that last summer must have been a tremendous amount of work to keep the grass mowed. Or when I see them on a hot day digging in a hole to repair a water main, I would like very much to have us say how much we appreciate what they do,” she said.

Mayor Craig Berry punted on her request, suggesting that she write a letter to the editor, or do a spot on the radio.

Fisher also thanked the council members for their service. Council members Gary Von Ahsen and Lisa Jaskey thanked her for her volunteer work with the tree committee and the Garden Club. No council member commented on the efforts of the city employees.


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