Dr Tracey Wellendorf, ear, nose and throat specialist, will now see patients in Jefferson as one of Greene County Medical Center’s specialty clinics.
Beginning Feb. 5, Wellendorf and his staff, ARNPs Diana Smith and Rebecca McCann, will be at the medical center the first Thursday of every month for clinic hours and surgical procedures. Appointments are being accepted now by contacting Wellendorf’s office in Carroll at 712-792-4368 or 888-339-4368.
The medical center’s vice president of medical affairs, Dr Jon Van Der Veer, said, “This is a real plus for Greene County residents because Dr Wellendorf and his staff will not only be holding clinic hours, but they will also be performing routine surgeries and procedures at the medical center.” He added, “This will keep patients close to home rather than having to travel elsewhere for procedures the medical center is capable and very willing to offer.”
Wellendorf has been providing ear, nose and throat care for patients in western Iowa for nearly 20 years. In 1996 he established his Carroll clinic. His extensive training, continuing education and many years of practicing in the area has allowed him to expand his practice to have clinics in six surrounding communities. He performs surgeries regularly in the respective hospitals where each of his clinics is located.
Wellendorf does a wide variety of ENT procedures, including trans nasal esophogoscopy. He is one of the first in the area to do procedures such as balloon sinuplasty and coblation tonsillectomies. He has great success with the much less invasive balloon sinuplasty procedure on adults and children. The coblation tonsillectomy is a procedure that allows the patient to have quicker healing and less pain.
Wellendorf was born and raised in Audubon, IA. He graduated Magna Cum Laude from Creighton University with a bachelor of science degree in chemistry. He then attended the University of Iowa College of Medicine, graduating as an MD. Wellendorf did his internship in general surgery and his residency in otolaryngology at the University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill.