2014 was cooler, wetter than normal

The weather in Jefferson during 2014 was close to average only in snowfall according to data provided by volunteer weather observer John Beltz.

Beltz reported 29.7 inches of snow for the entire year, with normal being 30.9 inches. Despite normal snowfall, moisture for the year higher than normal, at 39.89 inches compared to 32.48 as normal. June was the wettest month with 8.03 inches of moisture, but May had the most moisture for a single day, 2.67 inches. The 13.2 inches of snow that fell in February accounted for 1.87 inches of moisture.

The temperature was milder than normal. For the entire year, Beltz reported only one day with a high temperature of 90 degrees or warmer. That was a 92-degree day in May. Low temperature was -16 degrees in January and February. The average temperature for a month ranged from 13.1 degrees in February to 70.4 degrees in August. Average temperature for the year was 45.3 degrees; normal is 48 degrees.

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