DNR credits Hunters with quick action after manure spill

2,000 gallons spilled; none reaches state waters

The DNR investigated a manure spill about three miles southwest of Scranton in Greene County Saturday afternoon, Dec. 20.

Liquid manure spilled after a tractor-tanker got too close to the road edge. The tanker overturned near the Hunter hog finishing facility about 8 am Saturday. Driver and applicator Joanne Hunter estimated 2,000 gallons of manure ended up in the ditch near the top of a hill.

The Hunters quickly dammed the ditch on each side of the spill, checked for tile intakes, and contracted to have manure pumped up and soil in the ditch excavated and land applied.

DNR specialist Dan Olson from the Atlantic field office checked the spill area. 

“The Hunters did a really good job on clean up,” he said. “First they were prepared in case a spill happened, and when one did occur they acted quickly to contain it and clean it up.”

No manure reached a water of the state.

Manure spills must be reported to the DNR within six hours by calling the state 24-hour spill line at 515-281-8694 or by calling the DNR field office during office hours.  ~The Scranton Journal


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