Fund drive under way for Adopt-A-Family project

The Greene County Christian Action Resource Center (ARC) food pantry and Adopt-A-Family will partner again this year to help needy families with basic food over the holiday school vacation and a special Christmas meal.

The ARC plans to purchase food from the Food Bank of Iowa and SHARE because it is much cheaper than what can be purchased anywhere else – 14 cents a pound! But, that takes money. The ARC and Adopt-A-Family has set a fundraising goal of at least $12,000 in cash donations for this year’s program. While the ARC is grateful for donations of food and pantry items, there is a particular need for cash donations to make the holiday food basket project work.

Last year the project served 160 households, providing boxes of basic foods to help with meals while children are not in school. Many families rely on the free lunch and breakfast available at school. During the holidays, the grocery budget is stretched thin while children are eating all their meals at home. The holiday food basket project is meant to ease that stress.

Cash donations to Adopt-A-Family can be made through any Greene County church, or donations can be sent to Adopt-A-Family in care of the Jefferson United Methodist Church, 307 S. Wilson, Jefferson, IA 50129.

Adopt-A- Family is a project led by laity under the auspices of the Greene County Clergy Association. The Rev Julie Poulsen represents the clergy on their board. Pam Mentzer is the chairperson. Representatives from several churches are on the board. Anyone who is interested in helping with this project can contact Mentzer at 515-386-3228 or a local pastor. The Adopt-A- Family committee also collected and distributed school supplies this year for students in need and will give out coats to those who asked for help at school registration.

Persons who want information about receiving assistance through the holiday food basket program can contact Teresa Lansman at New Opportunities at 515-386-2719.

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