Lacking a high school diploma? Consider local HSED program

Area residents who are 16 years or older (and not attending school) who have not completed a high school degree are encouraged to be part of the high school equivalency diploma (HSED) program conducted by Iowa Central Community College.

HiSETParticipants in the program will prepare for computer based HiSET testing to receive a HSED from the Iowa Department of Education. A blend of class time and online instruction, with mentor Marla Orfield, will cover math, writing, reading, science and social studies. Orfield has several years of experience with the HSED program and working with adult learners.

Classes will be held Tuesdays and Thursdays, beginning Oct. 21,  from 6 to 8:30 pm, in the basement of the United Methodist Church, 307 S. Wilson, Jefferson.

Interested persons can contact Ann Waynar at 515-574-1959,, or Susan Doyle at 515-574-1263, Orfield also welcomes inquiries during class time.

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