Cornish pasty meal featured at Rippey Methodist Church

PastyThe First United Methodist Church in Rippey will serve a meal with Cornish pasties as the headliner next Sunday, Oct. 12, from 11:45 am to 1 pm at the church.

Nancy and Dale Hanaman will prepare the pasties using a family recipe. Pasties originated with miners in places like Cornwall, England. A pasty is meat and vegetables wrapped  in pie dough and baked. In the early days, hot, fresh baked pasties were wrapped in towels and taken to the mines for lunch. The were usually still warm for the miners’ lunch break.

The meal next Sunday will include pasties, salad, dessert and beverages. A free will offering will be accepted for the Women at the Well congregation at the Iowa Correctional Facility in Mitchellville. All are welcome.



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