Letter to the editor

Dear Friends and Neighbors,

Many thanks to you for your kindness and hospitality. We appreciate the wonderful worship service and potluck held at First United Methodist Church on July 13 to celebrate my re-appointment to Jefferson by our Bishop Trimble. Dennis and I appreciate the gracious citizens of Jefferson so much and the members and friends of First UMC in particular. Thank you!

We also thank you, Jefferson, for the ways you welcomed and encouraged our two foreign exchange students during the 2013-14 school year. Special thanks to the high school staff, teachers and coaches who graciously went the extra mile to make them feel welcome and helped them learn about our wonderful country. It was an incredible year of learning for us all. We hear regularly from both girls and they miss Jefferson and their friends here terribly. They have both also mentioned that they miss attending church in Jefferson. Thank you, church family, for welcoming and accepting them and for teaching them so much about Christianity.

We appreciate you, Jefferson, for being such a friendly and open, caring community. As a pastor I get to regularly observe the Jefferson community being generous and caring to help those in need in our community. thank you. The need is so great and you are an exemplary community in helping through the food pantry (ARC), Adopt-A-Family, Good Samaritan Fund and the Homeless Coalition, and the Greene County Clergy Association.

I am privileged and blessed to work among you and I am praying daily for you. If I can pray for you or help you in any way, please contact me. Thank you so much for reflecting love and concern in your daily walk.

~Rev Julie Poulsen and Dennis Fox

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