Pork on the menu for this year’s Festival barbecue

skylineFINAL-0416Preparations are nearly finalized for a Bell Tower Festival favorite, the Friday evening barbecue. For many Festival-goers, the barbecue kicks off the weekend.

This year’s barbecue is slated for Friday, June 13, from 5 to 7 pm at the Greene County Community Center. The Greene County Pork Producers will grill 8-ounce boneless chops and 1/3-pound pork burgers for the main course. Diner’s choice of baked beans, potato salad, chips, and cold beverages (water, lemonade, ice tea) will round out the meal. Jim Schliesman, who has a long history of producing good food events, is serving again as master chef/caterer.

New this year is a reduced price child’s pork burger meal for $4. Tickets for child’s meal will be sold at the door only.   Ticket prices at the door for the chop meal are $9 and $7.50 for the pork burger meal. Early pre-event tickets are available from the Greene County Chamber and Development office at 207 N Chestnut at a reduced price of $8 and $6.50 respectively.

Rain or shine, hot or cold, barbecue diners will be able to eat in comfort. Family, friends and neighbors will be able to congregate at tables set up in the gym inside the Community Center. Special tables will be set up at the north end of the gym for the various classes celebrating reunions.

Click on the ad/link on GreeneCountyNewsOnline for a complete schedule for the Bell Tower Festival. Visit Iowa’s Emerald County: There’s no place like home.

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