County supervisors put LOSST renewal on November ballot

The Greene County board of supervisors on Monday took the first step toward renewing the county’s 1-cent local options sales and services tax (LOSST). The board approved a motion directing commissioner of elections Billie Hoskins to include a question on the Nov. 4 general election ballot for the tax. The sunset date would be June 30, 2027.


All Greene County cities also collect a LOSST. Churdan recently renewed its LOSST with a sunset date of June 30, 2027. The sunset date for the county and in Dana, Grand Junction, Jefferson, Paton and Scranton is Dec. 31, 2016. Hoskins suggested the 2027 sunset date for uniformity. Each of the city councils will need to pass a motion before July 12 to put the question on the November ballot.


The ballot question will include a revenue purpose statement. Currently, the county’s LOSST revenue is earmarked for rural property tax relief and improvements. Supervisor Guy Richardson, who lives in the city of Jefferson, suggested the revenue purpose statement be more general, to allow the funds to be used in whatever way the supervisors deem fit. He and supervisor John Muir had a side conversation about the revenue purpose statement, with Muir in favor of the status quo, with the money earmarked for rural uses.


The supervisors will have further discussion about the revenue purpose statement.

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