Garden Club to present free program on bees

The Jefferson Garden Club will offer a free program on beekeeping presented by Adam Dolezal, Iowa State University post doctoral research associate. Also sharing his knowledge of raising bees will be John Brunow of Jefferson. The program is planned for Thursday, April 10, at 6:30 pm at Trinity Lutheran Church in Jefferson.  The program is open to the public.

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Fun After Fifty prom is Friday

The Greene County High School Interact Club invites area residents who admit to being over 50 years old to the “Fun After Fifty” prom” this Friday, April 11, from 7 to 10 pm at the Elks lodge in Jefferson.  The party has become a way high school students thank the community for supporting their activities throughout the year. “Our junior-senior prom is the next night, and…

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Zip It

~a column by Colleen O’Brien Got a bucket list? I didn’t know I had one until the first time I heard the phrase, and since then I’ve filled a lot of buckets. The lists are all similar: go someplace. Katmandu. Great Wall. Every presidential library. Traveltraveltravel. Had I ever said I’d like to do a zip line? No. Not on…

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Greene County district court, week ending April 4

In Greene County district court a judgment was entered April 1 against Danielle L. Schofield, 27, of Jefferson after she changed her plea to guilty to a charge of theft-aggravated. She was sentenced to two years in prison; the prison term was suspended and she was placed on probation for two years. She was fined $625 with a $218.75 surcharge;…

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Gen Greene visits Genealogical Society

General Nathaniel Greene, for whom Greene County was named, visited with members of the Greene County Genealogical Society last Saturday. He gave a shout-out to Genealogical Society member Joanne Toliver Legore; One of her ancestors married a descendant of Gen. Greene. Greene County Historical Society director Roger Aegerter began portraying Gen Greene about a year ago. He was busy last…

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Hwy 141 detour in SW Greene County

Work to replace the Highway 141 bridge of Willow Creek 2.1 miles west of Highway 25 near Bayard will create a detour through Greene County’s Willow Township. A stretch of Highway 141 is now closed to through traffic. The detour route uses Highway 25, Greene County Road E-63, and County Road N-58, which is the Carroll/Greene County line. The project…

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Magazine cover story includes Greene County woman farmer

~by Denise O’Brien Van, special to GreeneCountyNewsOnline Chris Henning, who farms 350 acres southeast of Jefferson, is one of five Iowa women farmers featured in the cover story of the current issue of The Iowan magazine. Titled “Farming Like She Owns It,” the article says women are changing the face of Iowa farming, and asks, “Are they changing its practices…

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