Grand Junction forms tree-planting partnership with Black Hills Energy, Trees Forever

Volunteers and community leaders in Grand Junction are preparing to partner with Iowa-based nonprofit Trees Forever and Black Hills Energy to plant trees that will provide benefits that grow over time.

The tree-planting project is possible through a partnership with the Marion-based Trees Forever organization and Black Hills Energy’s Power of Trees program. Grand Junction was awarded a grant of $1,000 for street trees and replacing dying trees throughout the community. 

“We’re looking forward to working with Trees Forever and Black Hills Energy to plant more trees in Grand Junction,” says project volunteer Jan Scharingson of Grand Junction. “With their help, we are saving energy with trees that will block and redirect cold winter winds and provide cooling shade to buildings in the summer. Trees consume carbon dioxide and produce oxygen for cleaner air, reduce stormwater runoff, and beautify the community.”

Trees Forever administers Black Hills Energy’s Power of Trees community tree-planting program and provides on-site technical assistance for the projects. Black Hills Energy provides grants to selected communities within its service territory. That funding is matched with local dollars, discounts, in-kind services, and volunteer labor. Community volunteers plan and choose planting sites, select species, order trees, enlist additional volunteers and raise local matching funds and in-kind contributions.

“Black Hills Energy’s company-wide Power of Trees program is designed to encourage energy efficiency, environmental awareness, sustainability and community stewardship,” said Jim Dillon, Energy Efficiency program manager for Black Hills Energy. “Our partnership with Trees Forever and local community volunteers is a wonderful opportunity to collaborate for great results in the communities we serve.”

Black Hills Energy will award more than $64,000 in grants this year to assist 27 Iowa communities and groups with tree-planting projects.

“Trees Forever is very excited to participate in this great tree-planting project, and we know it will provide years and years of beauty and benefits to the community,” says Shannon Ramsay, Trees Forever founding president. “We want to thank our local volunteers for their hard work and their dedication to improving the environment and quality of life in Grand Junction. Together, we are planting a better tomorrow.”

Persons who would like to volunteer to help plant and care for the trees in Grand Junction can call Scharingson at 515-7388-2608 or Trees Forever at 1-800-369-1269 extension 110. Additional information on the Power of Trees program, and how to apply, is also available at and

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