Voters approve revenue purpose statement for Greene County schools

A relative handful of voters turned out in a special election Tuesday that was a state-required step in the process of reorganization of the East Greene and Jefferson-Scranton school districts.

On the ballot was a revenue purpose statement to authorize expenditures from the state one-cent sales tax for schools, service and use tax funds. Both districts already have the revenue statements in place; a new statement was approved for the newly formed district by a nearly six to one margin.

A total of 136 votes were cast for a voter turnout of 2.4 percent. “Yes” votes totaled 116 as follows by precincts: Grand Junction 21, Jefferson 77, Scranton 11 and absentee 7. “No” votes totaled 20 as follows by precincts: Grand Junction 4, Jefferson, 13, Scranton 1 and absentee 2.

Cost of the election was about $1,100, according to county auditor Jane Heun. That cost will be billed to the school.

The count is unofficial until the county board of supervisors canvasses the vote next Monday.

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