Blood drive in Jefferson April 8

A community blood drive is slated in Jefferson for Tuesday, April 8, from 12:30 to 5:30 pm at the Greene County Community Center. (Note new location.)  Appointments can be scheduled online at or call  LifeServe Blood Center at 800-287-4903.
 Approximately 150,000 units of blood are needed annually in order to meet the needs of hospital patients in our communities. In order to meet these needs and help a child or adult in their critical time of need, volunteer blood donors are needed on a weekly basis to make life-saving donations.
While the demand for blood generally remains the same from week to week, the number of blood donors can vary significantly during various times of the year.  LifeServe blood donors are encouraged to make blood donations as frequently as possible to guarantee blood is available to hospital patients when it is needed.
“Make a difference in your community and give a life-saving gift to someone in need by giving blood at an upcoming blood drive,” a LifeServe spokesperson said.

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