Powerlifters take first place at meet in Des Moines

The Greene County powerlifting team placed first at the Natural Strength Association Powerlifting meet in Des Moines on Saturday March 15.

Greene County powerlifting team
Greene County powerlifting team

Lifters were (pictured, from left)  Isaac Perez, Mark Kendall, Wyatt Taggart, Nic Walsh, Dalton Weber, Jacob Monthei, Roman Phillips and  Dyan Lansman.

A Power Award goes to Roman Phillips with a strict bar curl of 143 lbs at a bodyweight of 165 lbs.  Nine school records were broken during the course of the day.  These can be viewed on principal/coach Brian Philips’ Ed-Line High School webpage.

Coach Phillips thanked Power Lift, the Jefferson police department and the Greene County sheriff’s office for their sponsorship this year.

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