Yarnapalooza brightens dreary winter days

DSCN1354Between swats from the pervasive polar vortex, the Tower View Team(TVT) and other volunteers spent last Saturday afternoon wrapping trees on the courthouse square with colorful “sweaters” in a project the team dubbed “Yarnapalooza.”

The TVT, part of Jefferson Matters: Main Street, is dedicated to bringing new art and design to the community in surprising places. It was the TVT that placed the “Play Me Pleez” piano outside the Mahanay Bell Tower this past summer. Yarnapalooza will remain on display until mid-February.

Some of the trees have messages. One tree is wrapped in a quilt with blocks featuring messages from clients served by the food pantry, Adopt-A-Family and the Salvation Army. A tree decorated by Linda Nichols features an afghan with pink ribbons encouraging breast cancer awareness. The Greene County Relay for Life committee decorated a tree as well. Greene County High School students cut and finger knitted T-shirts from some of their activities, with the variety of colors signifying the variety of activities available.

Mikki Schwarzkopf's whimsy
Mikki Schwarzkopf’s whimsy

The roster of Yarnapalooza volunteers includes, in addition to those mentioned, the Amy and Jason Roberts family, Jane Rowland, People for Animal Welfare Society (PAWS), Greene County Middle School and Intermediate School, History Boy Theatre Company, Jefferson-Scranton Elementary School, Rhonda Nelson, Girl Scout Troop 462, New Opportunities/Teresa Lansman, Boy Scouts, Mikki Schwarzkopf, Amy Milligan, Annie Ostendorf, and the TVT promotions committee.

The TVT’s next project is to complete work on Sally’s Alley, just west of the Lincoln Building on the south side of the square.DSCN1366

Linda Nichols breast cancer awareness reminder (foreground) and Greene County High School's finger knit wrap behind
Linda Nichols breast cancer awareness reminder (foreground) and Greene County High School’s finger knit wrap behind

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