Letter to the editor – Whitney and Luke Hoyle

Dear editor,

As an educator, a farmer, parents, and active community members, we couldn’t be more excited about the potential of the new Greene County High School and Career Academy. This is an excellent opportunity for everyone! Most importantly, it is an opportunity for our kids. As a teacher, I see first hand students who will benefit from the career academy. Daily, I see students who may think they don’t have a positive future because “college” isn’t for them. I also witness the daily struggles of trying to teach and accommodate students in a building that is far too small, outdated, and unable meet the needs of students learning in the 21st century.

This opportunity will also benefit our community. The idea of potentially having a large business come here and offer our kids and our community members well paying jobs is an opportunity we can’t pass up. The fact that the career academy can bring students to our town for excellent opportunities and allow adults to take continuing education classes is another opportunity we can’t miss out on. The trades that will be taught at the career academy will prepare students (and adults) for jobs in Greene county. Isn’t that what we want? For our community to grow and prosper?

Yes, it will raise our taxes. Yes, it will cost us money. But is it worth it? Absolutely! It is time to step up to the plate and bat for our kids! Come on Greene County, join us in voting “yes” for our kids and the future of Greene County!

Whitney and Luke Hoyle, Scranton

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