4-H news

The Greenbrier 4-H Club met Monday, April 8, at 7 pm in Clover Hall at the Greene County Fairgrounds. The meeting was called to order by Cody Stephenson. Secretary Becca Anderson called roll and read minutes of the last meeting. The Young Leaders’ report was given by Shailynne Woodley.  Members were reminded to have the YQCA training done by May…

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Choose Iowa calendar contest for students now open

Contest winners to be honored at the 2024 Iowa State Fair Iowa Secretary of Agriculture Mike Naig is encouraging school-aged Iowa students to participate in the 2024 Choose Iowa Calendar Contest hosted by the Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship. Choose Iowa is the state’s signature brand for Iowa grown, Iowa raised and Iowa made products. Submitted artwork should…

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GrCoMS tells honor rolls

Greene County Middle School principal Cara Osborne announced honor rolls for the third quarter of the 2023-24 school year. Students on the high honor roll earned As in every class. They are: Eighth grade – Ashlynn Ball, Emmalee Baugh, Tucker Ford, Hanna Fouch, Owen Frederick, Keaton Hinote, Kole Johnson-Peterson, Connor McAndrews, Rylee Mowrer, Breanna Pope, Nora Reedy, Andi Sanders, Ryan…

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In the neighborhood

Rippey public library, Cara McCoy, librarian Wednesday, March 27:  LIBRARY BOARD MEETING, 7:00 Friends of Rippey Easter Egg Hunt and Lunch in Rippey, March 30 – Children of all ages are invited to come to the Rippey library/community center on Saturday, March 30, to find Easter eggs starting at 10:30 with a special appearance by the Easter Bunny. A lunch…

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Celebrate Iowa Ag Week, March 17-23

Iowa Secretary of Agriculture Mike Naig encourages all Iowans to celebrate Iowa Ag Week from Sunday, March 17, through Saturday, March 23. The weeklong statewide celebration, which includes National Ag Day on March 19, will highlight the immense importance of agriculture to the state, its people, economy and way of life. The week will also highlight ways that Iowa agriculture gives back,…

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GrCo HS tells second trimester honor rolls

The Greene County High School staff has announced the honor rolls for the second trimester. Students on the high honor roll earned a 3.5 grade point average or higher. (Note: Students are not listed by grade.) High honor roll students are: Breanna Ades, Cody Allen, Paisley Allen, Becca Anderson, Caden Anderson, Nathan Ausberger, Elise Badger, Aden Bardole, Autumn Barrett, Santos…

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Adopt-A-Family, Good Samaritan Fund recipients of North Central Iowa Presbytery

The First Presbyterian Church in Jefferson was recently awarded two mission grants through the North Central Iowa Presbytery. The mission team applied for the grants to benefit Adopt-A-Family and the Good Samaritan Fund. Adopt-A-family helps brighten the holidays for more than 150 families who receive food baskets at Christmas time and they distribute winter coats each fall. The Good Samaritan…

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GrCo MS tells honor rolls

Greene County Middle School has released honor rolls for the second quarter of the school year. Students on the high honor roll earned a grade point average of 3.67 or better. Eighth grade: Ashlynn Ball, Emalee Baugh, Gage Derry, Tucker Ford, Hanna Fouch, Owen Frederick, Rylee Mowrer, Nora Reedy, Andi Sanders, Ryan Sheeder, Lana Silbaugh, Madelyn Skalla and Olivia Smith.…

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4-H news

Greenbrier 4-H: The Greenbrier 4-H Club met at Clover Hall on Feb. 12. The Young Leaders reported there will be a chocolate covered strawberry fundraiser. Old business was December meeting held at Spare Time Lanes; January meeting was canceled due to weather.  New business was all 4-H members must attend at least five meetings to show at the Greene County…

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Applications being accepted for medical center foundation, auxiliary scholarships

Applications for scholarships offered by the Greene County Medical Center Foundation and auxiliary are being accepted now through the deadline of April 1. Students in the medical center service area who are entering, or already attending, college in a healthcare-related field are eligible for as much as $1,000 for up to four years through the foundation scholarship program. Applications and…

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Greenbrier 4-H members earn 2023 awards

This year Greene County 4-H had many volunteers and staff evaluate almost 20 record books throughout the entire county. Staff members are grateful for all who submitted a book and enjoyed seeing their 4-H journey.  Awards were presented to:  Madison Christensen – Junior Excellence, Junior Overall Record Keeping, Beef, Fashion, Self-Determined Project Awards; Lillian Barrett – Junior Excellence, Junior Honorable…

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